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Welcome to the GamerzConsole Online Gaming Community forum. In order to make your stay as pleasant and constructive as possible please take your time to read through this document, it will help you navigate the pits and traps this community has created for new members. These rules can be changed without notice though normally we announce changes via announcement in all the forums. 1. Read up before asking! 2. Use the search function before posting. Chances are your question has already been answered. 3. Respect the officials: Admin & Staff and get to know the forum before you post. 4. Keep the focus: Questions outside the scope of a certain forum will either be moved, locked or simply be deleted. 5. Be nice to each other and respect the moderator. Profanity and insults will not be tolerated. If you have a problem with another member turn to the respective moderator and if the moderator can't help you send a private message to the Administrators. 6. Use of vulgar, lewd, crude, or offensive language in English, Tagalog, or any other language is strictly prohibited. 7. Official language is English & Tagalog only. 8. Bumping your own threads in order to raise it to the top of the list of active threads is also prohibited. 9. Requests must be made within Request forums only. 10. Do not request for mirrors in existing threads. If one is available, it will be provided. 11. If you downloaded something, thank the poster for their efforts. 12. Report dead links to the moderator. 13. Do not put any personal information, such as your age, address, or full name, in our forums. We want to keep our forum safe and NO administrators or staff will ever ask for any of these!! 14. Do not put any obscene or inappropriate material on our forum. This is an all age site. 15. Don't Share your password!! All administrators have access to your accounts and will NEVER ask you what it is!!! 16. Do not delete any writing we put on your posts. 17. Registering multiple accounts, Hacking, borrowing or lending your own account to anyone are prohibited and are grounds for immediate account deletion. 18. Personal attacks, insulting other members or starting flame wars are strictly prohibited. Members involved will be given a warning or will be banned from our forum. 19. We should act like a family and treat and respect other members like your brothers and sisters. If you break any of the rules you will be warned, infracted, or banned at the Staff's discretion. If you feel a warning is unfair, contact the Moderator who issued it. General Rules: •Respect LockedNLoad Staff. •Respect other members. •Do not trade/Sell anything here. Go this Topic Special Force Trading Center. •Do Report any dead links to a staff. Posting Rules:•Do post in the appropriate forums. •Do not Double Post. •Do not Spamming/Advertising/Posting Porn Links are NOT Allowed. •Do not Use Very Large FONTS. •Do not Post in all CAPSLOCK. •Search before creating thread similar to an existing thread. •Do not provide files containing harmful viruses or malware/adware etc. you will get BANNED! Make sure you have a Virus SCAN!. Chatbox Rules: •Do not SPAM •Do not Post Porn Links/Advertising •Do not use Very Large Font •Do not Post all in CAPSLOCK .do not challenge 1 on 1 members or staff in SF di natin alam kung Spy xa PROBLEMS AND QUERIES? - If you have any problems with the site itself [Server wise] then PM an Admin. - If you have problems with another member please PM a Super Mod. - If you have a problem with any threads of posts please Pm a Super Mod. - If you have problems with a section please PM the Moderator of that section or a Super Mod. - If you are unsure about the category your PM fits in please by default contact a Super Mod. Sharing Integrity: * Whether you upload your own shares or simply share what's found elsewhere, please verify the content to make sure it indeed fits the description. (Does not apply for the Request sections) Failure to abide by any rules mentioned will result in a warning or instant ban if deemed highly inappropriate. Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server. All contents are provided by non-affiliated third parties. All contents on this website, both textual and graphic, including but not limited to computer code and images, and all e-mail or other messages or correspondence from GamerzConsole are the property of, are copyrighted, and may not be reproduced or published without are trademarks and service marks of The "GamerzConsole" is the title of this publication only. Copyright © 2009 By GamerzConsole All Rights Reserved.